unfortunately, the GODS OF BLITZ had to cancel for the Reutlingen and Bielefeld shows. Instead, we will have WINSON with us!
But there is more to it than that. For the under mentioned shows:
Sa 26.05.07 D – Bremen, Pier 2
So 27.05.07 D – Bielefeld, Ringlokschuppen
Di 29.05.07 CH – Zürich, Volkshaus
Mi 30.05.07 A – Innsbruck, Dogana
Di 05.06.07 D – Leipzig, Haus Auensee
Mi 06.06.07 D – Hannover, AWD-Hall
Sa 09.06.07 D – Hamburg, Sporthalle
we are looking for a party crowd loving man or woman of words who is willing to author a live review for one of the above mentioned shows. To apply for this job, please write a short text no longer than 350 words. In this text the maybe reviewer should demonstrate why he or she is the only person in the whole wide word that is suitable for this kind of job.
Please send this text at least ten days ahead of the chosen show to penclub@xno.net. Please mention the chosen town in the subject of this mail.
The reviewer is – quite unprofessionally – allowed to bring a friend along. There are some nasty obligations for the review, but they are still kept secret…
We promise to choose the winners by applying all personal preferences.
Sincerely yours,