Hamburg – Sporthalle

Thanks a lotototot for the great evening in Hamburg!

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Beatsteaks – 20!

We’re turning 20 and we want to celebrate – with you!

Where: Kindl Bühne Wuhlheide/Berlin
When: July 4, 2015.
From on: 7:00 pm

Only 215 days left!

The presale starts on 03.12.2014 at 9 am. Tickets are available at

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

By the way, we can already confirm that we’ll be playing Nova Rock
Festival in Austria (12. – 14. 06.2015) and Deichbrand Festival (16. – 19. 7. 2015 in Cuxhaven/Nordholz) next to others, in 2015.

All the best.

Berlin – Max Schmeling Halle

Thanks for two great days in Berlin! For pictures – go to www.typxtatse.deberlin

Berlin – Max Schmeling Halle

Vielen Dank für gestern! Die Bilder dazu findet Ihr hier:

Livestream from Dortmund

EinPlus will stream the whole concert tomorrow. It starts at 9 p.m. Check:




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Leipzig – Arena

Thank You!l7 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6

Köln – Second Day

thank you very much for a wonderful hell of a second night. the good pictures are here: www.typxtatse.dek2 k1

Win tickets for 1LIVE-Krone short appearance

As part of the “1LIVE-Krone”-nomination for “Best Band” we’re playing an exclusive gig on the 4th December at the Bochumer Turbinenhalle! To be a part of it you have to write us an email at, saying “Krone” in the respective.

If you wanna vote for your personal “Best Band” – please feel:





Köln – Paladium

For pictures of yesterday’s show at the palladium go to : www.typxtatse.dek4 k1 k2 k3

Magdeburg – Stadthalle

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