Win tickets for 1LIVE-Krone short appearance

As part of the “1LIVE-Krone”-nomination for “Best Band” we’re playing an exclusive gig on the 4th December at the Bochumer Turbinenhalle! To be a part of it you have to write us an email at, saying “Krone” in the respective.

If you wanna vote for your personal “Best Band” – please feel:





Köln – Paladium

For pictures of yesterday’s show at the palladium go to : www.typxtatse.dek4 k1 k2 k3

Magdeburg – Stadthalle

m1 m2 m3 m4 m5

Bremen – Pier 2

b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7

Saarbrücken – Nevermind the Tatort

More pictures on
s1 s2 s4 s5

Erfurt – Thüringenhalle

Sank The Much To You!


e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6

Zürich – Volkshaus

z12 z11 z10 z9 z8 z7 z6 z5 z4 z3 z2 z1

Vienna Gasometer/Sea Shepherd

g3 g2 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g1Thank You Gasometer!

From now on the organisation SEA SHEPPERD is on tour with us: Sea Shepherd  is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization. The mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.

For more information go to:


11/5 Siegen

s5 s4 s3 s2 s1 quiz

Kick-off the Tour – Danger is

The Clown on his way to Siegen: Danger is…: Trio Cover, B-Site of the Single “Make A Wish”

Nominated for the category “Best Band” by “1LIVE Krone”

We’ve been nominated by the radio station 1LIVE for the category “Best Band”.

For more information check:

